

Hey there!
You’re here because you want to contact me. That’s pretty cool.
You can email me and say hey.
But please follow directions.
Here’s what you can email me about:
  • One of my blog posts has a typo (🙏 always appreciated)
  • You want to add your review or any collaborations
  • Do you want me to join your affiliate program
  • You want to sponsor one of my blog posts (typically with a banner that links out to your website, this costs money)
  • You want to add your content to the blog
Here’s what you can’t email me about (and if you do I won’t answer):
  • You want to guest post on my blog (I don’t accept these)
  • If you want to insert a link on my site (please do)
  • You try to sell me wildly uninteresting SEO and link-building services (not interested)
Here’s the deal. Right now this blog is something I do on the side because it’s fun and I like writing.
But I want to take it to the next level.
So the most interesting email you can send me is about how we can partner together to get your brand in front of my audience.
Think big!
If you made it this far you owe it to yourself to send me an email
I’m super nice, I promise.
🪶 Nicky Navile